Preparing for your stay:
For Oncology, Rehabilitation or Palliative Care.
Before you arrive at Canossa Private Hospital, we ask that you use the information below to prepare.
Admission Forms
Please complete and return this admission form to us as soon as possible. This will enable us to register your details and minimise any delays on admission.
You may have already been provided with this form or you can download using link below.
Please return forms:
Please post to: 169 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Oxley Q 4075
Please email to:
Please return to hospital reception
What to Bring to Hospital
- Any doctors’ letters, reports, notes, consent forms
- All relevant X-rays and scans
- A list of current medications from your doctor or pharmacist
- Medicare/DVA, Pharmacy or Safety Net cards
- Credit card (or other payment means)
- Private health insurance card
- Glasses, hearing aids etc. with appropriate cases
- Mobility aids such as walking frames
- Comfortable clothing and footwear
For overnight and short term stays please label all belongings and pack:
- Suitable nightwear and dressing gown
- Slippers
- Toiletries
- Your medication and prescriptions
- Reading and writing material
You will also need to advise our staff who will be taking you home and staying with you on the night of your surgery.
What Not to Bring to Hospital
- Large amounts of cash
- Jewellery
- Other valuables
We will do our best to ensure the safety of your personal belongings, however Canossa Private Hospital accepts no responsibility for patients’ possessions.